Happy 2023!

Happy 2023. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the markets and shows, and in the shop. If you have any questions about when my shop in Little River, SC is open or what shows I will be at, please contact me at oceanfiredstudiopottery@gmail.com.


Wishing Blessed New Year

I just wanted to take a few moments to thank you all for your interest in my work this past year.  As challenging as 2020 has been, I have found friendships have grown, new friends have been made, opportunities have emerged and the strand of love that binds us as humans still ever strong.  I hope 2021 Blesses Each and Everyone!

The Story of the "Grin Fish"

I wanted to start my first blog with a story about the "Grin Fish."  I have been creating wall mounted, fun, characterized fish for several years now.  They have evolved in size, technique and color, but have always worn great smiles and big buggy eyes.

One day, I was participating in an event that was primarily about tasting foods and spirits, when a couple came by and yelled, "Hey, I like your Grin Fish."  It was funny. They were happy.  My fish looked happy.  We were all enjoying the day.  And I thought....Grin Fish...that is a great title for these guys!  Well it stuck.

Now my Grin Fish have a new home, at the new studio/shop on Mineola Avenue in Little River, South Carolina.

I enjoy meeting people and sharing their experiences with my work.

I hope that it always makes people smile, no....... Grin!